Four Tips To Use When You Want To Get A Divorce From Someone Who Does Not Want To Divorce You
Divorce can sometimes be a very tricky process depending on how both parties feel about it. There are times when one spouse wants to get a divorce, but the other spouse does not. This creates a messy situation. If you want to get a divorce, but your spouse does not, use the following guide to learn what steps you may have to take to get the divorce that you seek.
Contact a Divorce Attorney
The first thing you will need to do is hire a divorce attorney. You need to hire an attorney as quickly as you can so that you can learn what you need to do to be able to get the divorce that you want. The attorney will be able to provide you with step-by-step directions for you to follow to ensure that your divorce goes as smoothly as it can.
Move Out of the Marital Property
When you want to get a divorce, it is best for you to move completely out of the house that you shared with your husband or wife. This shows the court system and your spouse that you are serious about the divorce. There are some people who try to live in the same house with their spouse in an effort to save money, but this is never a good idea. Get out of the house as soon as you possibly can.
You May Need to Make a Public Announcement
There are certain times when you may need to make a public announcement that you want to get a divorce. There are stipulations about how this announcement needs to be made though. Talk to the attorney and find out where you can make the announcement, what it has to say, and how long it has to be posted. Many people choose to make the announcement in a small public paper that they know no one close to them will read.
Payment Often Has to be Made as You Go
Many divorce attorneys charge for their services through multiple invoices. They do not wait until the end of your divorce proceedings to ask for payment. You need to have the money readily available to give to them so that they can represent you when the divorce goes before a judge.
Once you are able to get your divorce proceedings to the court, you need to be sure that you know exactly what you want out of the marriage and how much your marital debt is. This ensures that you get what you deserve when you leave. For more information, contact a company like Moore Robert G Attorney at Law.